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Listed by Laura Potenza of Gibson Sotheby's International Realty

Listing Sold by Gibson Sotheby's International Realty
Sited on one of the highest locations in town, this single family home is being offered for the first time in 70 years. The former home of Provincetown painter Constance Black, it was chosen for her family home and studio due to its exposure to the Cape Light that artists from all over the world strive to capture. In classic Ptown style, the 3 bedroom 2 bath antique home has been added onto over the years to accommodate the Black family. From the Great Room with vaulted ceilings and large wood-burning brick fireplace to the painting studio with generous north facing windows to capture the best light, this home tells the story of Provincetown. The neighborhood around this home has slowly evolved and been updated to become a sought-after location in town for its convenience and privacy, offering residents a community feeling. Tree-lined streets and a higher proportion of single family homes vs condos, this neighborhood is valued for an easy, understated vibe. Offered "as is".

Property Details of 6 Priscilla Alden Road

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