Commonwealth Brighton Condominium Trust

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Listed by Don Neuwirth of Centre Realty Group

Listing Sold by Chinatti Realty Group, Inc.
810 square feet of living area in an amazing location near Boston College and the Chestnut Hill Reservoir! Well maintained extremely large one bedroom ground level condo that is currently in use as a 2-3 bedroom in a brick low rise with private entrance. Location is key for this condo. the Chestnut Hill Reservoir with jogging and walking paths and all of the adjacent parkland is just 2 minutes away just minutes from Cleveland Circle, Mass Pike, T bus stops and trolley line. Condo is professionally managed complex, condo fee INCLUDES Heat AND Hot Water. This section of Boston has much to Offer, Easy access to Boston College Campus and other Universities, downtown Boston, Boston Common and Public Gardens, Boston Garden (Celtics, Bruins and MANY concerts and special events, Museums, Cultural Centers, historical churches. All with the a major city has to Offer.

Property Details of 2035 Commonwealth Avenue, Unit 2, Brighton

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